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Reports can be made to the following campus and local law enforcement agencies. For emergencies dial 9-1-1, and your call will be answered by a 9-1-1 dispatcher at the Illinois State University Police Department or other local emergency agency. In a non-emergency situation, please dial 309-438-8631 to be connected to the Illinois State University Police Department.
You are not required to speak to law enforcement or to file a criminal complaint. If you reported an incident to OEOA, staff can also assist you with notifying law enforcement authorities at your request. If you are contacted by law enforcement authorities, it is not required, but is highly recommended that you speak to them so you can communicate your desired outcome, even if that is to request no involvement from law enforcement.
You have the right to request assistance in notifying law enforcement authorities or requesting an order of protection, no contact order, restraining order, or other similar lawful orders issued by a criminal, civil, or tribal court.
These resources offer advocates who can accompany you through the process of filing a criminal complaint and/or requesting an order of protection, civil no contact order, restraining order, or other similar lawful order.
For emergency assistance, dial 9-1-1.